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Release 11.0.8 focuses on time saving efficiencies and making visualizations easier to understand. Plus, it includes many features in response to user requests for enhancements (RFE). In this on-demand webinar, Nic Leduc from the IBM product team demos and discusses the November 2017 release.
Learn how R8 allows for
- Faster and more precise dashboard and report creation, including the addition of latitude and longitude layer in reporting
- Customization, such as uploading custom images
- Faster data preparation with capabilities such as faster data set creation
- Better visibility and control of the BI and analytics environment
- Easy tracking of dashboard use with support for auditing
Nic Leduc
IBM Cognos Analytics
Offering Management
Nic is part of the Product Management team for IBM Cognos Analytics. His main responsibilities are focused around dashboarding and mobile capabilities.
Read moreQuestions log
Q: Why do dashboards in Cognos Analytics Release 8 work only for multi-dimensional cube data?
A: Dashboards support OLAP and relational sources. If you are having trouble using your source, please contact IBM Support.
Q: What are the plans for dashboard conditional formatting in Cognos Analytics Release?
A: In dashboards, CA supports conditional formatting (color) in tables and crosstabs. IBM is planning to extend this same capability to the other charts as well as extend its set of features.
Q: How can we add more graph options to dashboards in Cognos Analytics Release 8?
A: This option is not available at the moment. However, IBM is planning on adding the ability for authors to add more visualizations to the dashboard.
Q: Can I create a Workspace dashboard using reports in Cognos Analytics Release 8?
A: Yes, in the same manner as in Cognos BI 10, minus the “Do More” and the new report widget.
Q: Will Cognos Workspace Advanced be back in a future release of Cognos Analytics?
A: Depending on the use case, IBM encourages users to use the preview mode in reporting or dashboarding.
Q: Has the data cap increased beyond 10,000 in Cognos Analytics Release 8?
A: In dashboards, maps are at 30,000, whereas tables and crosstabs are at 10,000.
Q: In dashboards, can I create extra grid options or change the layout of existing ones in Cognos Analytics Release 8?
A: Not at the moment, the look of the tables and crosstabs are not modifiable.
Q: Is it possible to format tables (font size, column width in dashboards) in Cognos Analytics Release 8?
A: Not at the moment, but it is something IBM is working on.
Q: Will there be any changes to Cognos Analytics for Microsoft Office options? We tested it in C11 and noticed it’s only supported for reports, not dashboards.
A: IBM has no plans to support dashboards at the moment.
Q: Is data module auditing available in Cognos Analytics Release 8?
A: Not at the moment. To vote to include it, complete a RFE
Q: Can data modules be used in Cognos Analytics Release 8 to access Cognos Packages so that I can combine data from multiple data packages in a report?
A: A report in CA can use multiple packages. You cannot create joins between them, but you can filter based on the same filter parameter.
Q: Is modeling part of Framework Manager in Cognos Analytics Release 8?
A: IBM has no plans to merge data modules and Framework Manager together.
Q: Can we make design mode the default for data sets in Cognos Analytics Release 8?
A: There are no plans to add this at the moment.
Q: With the data sets, can I access two Excel files and join them or compare them in Cognos Analytics Release 8?
A: Yes, but you’ll need to create a data module first to define your joins. Then create the data set from it.
Q: Can I determine the number of rows in a data set in Cognos Analytics Release 8?
A: Yes, head over to the properties of the data set.
Q: Where is the data set data stored in Cognos Analytics Release 8? We built our initial reports using Cognos BI 10.2.2.
A: Data sets and uploaded files are stored in the Content Store and extracted to disk when accessed. Read this blog for more information:
Q: Do images have to be a zip, or can we do *.jpeg in Cognos Analytics Release 8?
A: At the moment, they need to be added via extensions. In a future release IBM is planning on adding the ability to import individual files straight up. This blog describes what is currently supported:
Q: Please describe how to access an image that needs to be imported in Cognos Analytics Release 8.
A: This blog describes the process:
Q: How are the image library zip files created or modified in Cognos Analytics Release 8?
A: This blog describes the process:
Q: On the image picker, if I copy a report xml from DEV to a different environment, I understand I will need to upload the extension. Does it use absolute path only for the image and not the relative?
A: Its relative path points to the extension library. The path to the image imported via the extension will be the same across all environments.
Q: Does Cognos Analytics Release 8 show alt text message for an image and use custom color palate for a graph?
A: Yes, Release 8 shows alt text message for an image. You can use custom color palates in a graph by using legacy charts in reporting. IBM is working to add this feature in an upcoming release.
Q: Are the image libraries stored in the content store in Cognos Analytics Release 8?
A: Yes, all extensions are stored in the content store to make it easy to deploy across environments. The images are then extracted to disk in the directory mentioned in the JSON file included in the extension.
Q: Can we restrict access to the image library in Cognos Analytics Release 8?
A: No, it is open to all authors for that tenant.
Q: Is JSON for image library extension available in Cognos Analytics Release 8?
A: CA uses JSON files for all extensions. They are used to identify the details of the extension. JSON files containing data are not imported though.
Q: Is Cognos Portal (formerly Cognos Connection) back in Cognos Analytic Release 8? And if not, are there plans to bring it back in a future release?
A: The new CA portal provides a much more modern and intuitive interface. Although IBM has no plans on bringing back Cognos Connection, it is still investigating ways to expose portal pages and make them available in CA as your home page.
Q: In the past, the global default was “view most recent report. ” Can we globally change it to run a report in Cognos Analytics?
A: The global default is still view most recent report, there is no way to modify this setting. The alternative would be to use the SDK to write a script that would traverse the content store and flip the setting on all reports.
Q: Is it possible to remove some links from quick reference on the welcome page in Cognos Analytics Release 8?
A: Not at the moment, but IBM is planning on making the welcome page a little more flexible. An alternative could be to create your own page and place it as the home page for all users.
Q: If ESRI is not officially supported, will Cognos Analytics Release 8 map capability support the same functionality as provided by Esri?
A: Release 8 uses Mapbox, which offers a different set of capabilities. IBM is continuing to bring enhancements to it to make it better. For example, this release saw the addition of latitude/longitude support in reporting. See the following article on how to install and configure ESRI (EM4C) in R7:
Q: Are the new maps available in Cognos Analytics when using Report Studio?
A: Yes, delivered as part of 11.0.7 (R7).
Q: Is street level maps supported in Cognos Analytics Release 8?
A: Yes, you can zoom in to see the names of the streets (this has been in for a while now) and in R8, you can add points to indicate latitude/longitude. IBM does not support geocoding using street names.
Q: What’s future for mapping in Cognos Analytics Release?
A: There are many ideas coming, unfortunately, IBM doesn’t openly share its roadmap.
Q: I have few active reports using dynamic visualization map, can I convert existing reports to use Longitude and Latitude?
A: Latitude/longitude are only supported in the new mapping visualization
Q: Where can I get the deck for this presentation?
A: The deck is available on our website at //
Q: Will all of these features be available in the cloud version of Cognos Analytics?
A: Yes, these features are equally available on cloud and on-premise.
Q: Windows Cognos Analytics supports a repository database for development without needing SQL Server, a database or Oracle. However, Linux doesn’t have this as an option during install. Will this change for future release?
A: IBM has no plans for this at the moment.
Q: Is the dashboard re-linking working in Cognos Analytics Release 8?
A: Yes, if you are having difficulties, please contact IBM Support.
Q: Is it possible for Cognos BI 10.2.1 packages to be used in Cognos Analytics Release 8?
A: Yes, you do not need to republish your packages after an upgrade.
Q: How does auditing affect performance in Cognos Analytics Release 8?
A: It does have a slight impact depending on your configuration. Check out the docs or contact IBM Support if you have any concerns.
Q: When can we expect next Cognos Analytics release?
A: Release 9 is currently scheduled for the end of December.
Q: Can we audit use of active reports in Cognos Analytics Release 8?
A: Yes.
Q: Does Event Studio or any legacy component work in Chrome and Firefox in addition to IE?
A: You can find a browser conformance matrix here:
Q: We’ve noticed users are only able to view My Activities in Cognos Analytics. Is there a way to change it so that users have access to features such as cancel a running report?
A: Yes, delivered as part of 11.0.8, you can see your activities and schedule. From this interface, you can cancel a running report.
Q: Is it possible to change the size of the points without adding a measure in Cognos Analytics Release 8?
A: Yes, this is available in reporting.
Q: In Cognos BI 10.2.2, we used deep copy for overwriting reports. It was helpful to keep our schedules and outputs for a report. Is this something that could be brought back with Cognos Analytics?
A: When you “move,” everything is kept together, including the report outputs. Copies are considered a new object and do not do a deep copy. There are currently no plans at the moment to change this behavior.
Q: We had to buy Motio PI to use with scheduled reports that make views. The views are what opens “view most recent report.” Because of this our users think Cognos Analytics reports aren’t real time. Is this something IBM is working on changing in future releases?
A: The ability to change the default behavior when you click on an item has been delivered as part of R8. This will allow the report to always run live, even if there is a saved output.
Q: We converted our reports from CQM to DQM packages, but the performance has not improved in Cognos Analytics Release 8. Is there any way to improve the performance?
A: Upgrading to DQM is not a guaranteed way to get a performance boost. It depends on your models and how your reports were authored. See supporting documents or contact IBM Support for advice.
Q: Will IBM continue to use the old studios such as Query Studio, Analysis Studio and Metric Studio in upcoming releases of Cognos Analytics?
A: IBM has announced future depreciation of Query Studio, Analysis Studio and Cognos Workspace here: Metric Studio has been depreciated and not available in CA:
Q: Are there any plans to depreciate Analysis Studio in Cognos Analytics?
A: Yes, but no dates has been announced yet. IBM is not in a rush to do so, it wants to make sure users have a good landing spot before pulling the plug. This is also the case for Query Studio and Cognos Workspace.
Q: When can we expect latitude/longitude in dashboards in Cognos Analytics?
A: This is targeted for Release 9.
Q: Is Cognos going to support the open source charting D3?
A: This is on the roadmap. It has not been assigned to a release quite yet.
Q: Portlets/portal tabs has been depreciated, even though they can still be accessed in Cognos Analytics. They cannot be set as landing pages, the customizations available do not replicate apples to apples functionality. Are there any plans to address this gap?
A: IBM is still investigating and gathering feedback from customers who depended on portal pages. IBM is exploring ways to make them appear in Cognos Analytics to allow existing customers to leverage their Cognos BI 10 investment.
Q: Is IBM going to bring back Agent Views? As of Cognos Analytics Release 8 they are a no-show.
A: This is not currently on the IBM roadmap. Please vote on RFE for ID 101210 for consideration in adding it:
Q: For My Schedules and Subscriptions, are there plans to add “Run the schedule once” to a future release of Cognos Analytics?
A: This is not currently planned. For consideration in adding it, vote on RFE ID 113162
Q: Is there any plan to get scheduling on the upload files in future Cognos Analytics releases?
A: Not as of yet, vote for it on RFE ID 98411
Q: Will we also be able to see more statistical visualizations in future releases of Cognos Analytics?
A: IBM is planning on adding a few additional visualizations. Log an RFE with examples of what you’d like to see at:
Q: Is there a way to copy the report path in Cognos Analytics Release 8?
A: Not at the moment. For it to be considered, vote on RFE ID 111823
Q: RFE 109431 requested the ability for organizations to set their own default (like Run Report). It was erroneously marked as delivered. How can we reopen this RFE?
A: IBM reopened this and changed the title of the RFE to make it clearer.
Q: Can a story be downloaded or exported as a video or PowerPoint in Cognos Analytics Release 8?
A: Not yet. For that capability to be considered, vote for it on the RFE:
Q: Are there any options to see SQL generation in data modules in Cognos Analytics Release 8?
A: Not at the moment. If this is important to your organization, vote for it on the RFE:
Q: Is there a way to copy the report path in Cognos Analytics Release 8?
A: Not at the moment. For it to be considered, vote on RFE ID 111823
Presentation outline
Overview of IBM Cognos Analytics releases
- Continuous delivery for on premise and on the Cloud
- Contains defect fixes and enhancements
- Installs on top, it preserves your settings and configuration
- R3 – July 2016
- Dashboard calculations and filters
- Multiple packages in reporting
- Interactivity in modeling UI
- R4 – September 2016
- Dashboard conditional highlighting
- Refresh timer for widgets
- Portal theming and extensibility
- Storytelling
- R5 – November 2016
- FM packages in dashboards
- Mapping and new visualizations
- Infographics and nav model
- Embed and share content
- Portal customizations
- R6 – March 2017
- OLAP support in Dashboards
- Dashboard widget connectivity
- Mapping enhancements
- Storytelling enhancements
- Shortcuts and report views
- R7 – August 2017
- New UI for portal, dashboard and modules
- Filter enhancements in dashboards and reporting
- Additional visualizations
- New logging framework
- R8 – November 2017
- Default Run As
- Ambiguous connections for dashboards and modules
- Image library in reporting
- Latitude/longitude support in reports
- Kiosk mode in storytelling
Highlights – R8
- Make the old new
- Default run action per report
- Access to my schedules and activities
- Ambiguous data source connections and sign-ons support in dashboards and modules
- Ability to output a report as XML
- Auditing of dashboards and stories
- Easier and easier to use
- Design mode in data set editor
- Make it your own
- Image library extension
- Communicate findings through storytelling
- Apply selection highlights on timeline
- Kiosk mode for storytelling – autoplay + loop
- See things clearly with viz enhancements
- Latitude/longitude support in reporting
- Closed 10 RFEs (Requests for Enhancements)
Content and administration
- Default run action per report
- Auditing of dashboards and stories
- Monitor my schedules and activities
- Ability to save and output a report as XML format
- Latitude/longitude support
- Design mode in data set editor
- Access to the image library
- Support for ambiguous connections
- Increased cap on data points
- Tables and crosstabs: 10K
- Maps: 30K
- Widget title is consistent across all vizzes
- Usability improvements
- Change viz icon now shows the currently selected viz
- Data point exclusions now stack and are tracked independently
- Auditing of dashboard use
- User, asset name, source names, execution time
- New audit sample report
- Audit example
- Apply selection highlights on timeline
- Kiosk mode for storytelling – autoplay + loop
- Modeling diagram improvements
- Ambiguous connections support
New data server technology
- Amazon Athena
- Spark SQL Thrift Server
- Azure SQL Data Warehouse
- MongoDB BI Connector 2.2
Useful links
- Main Cognos Analytics page + Free Trial
- Community
- Documentation
- Upgrade Central
- Request for Enhancements (RFE)