- Case Study
Flexible Data Model Supports Power BI Reporting Today & Integration with Azure Tomorrow
Industry: Healthcare
Industry: Healthcare
Industry: Healthcare
Industry: Medical device
When and where data modeling fits in each stage of the Azure architecture.
Expand the basic functionality to incorporate comparison dates.
Demos and tips for leveraging essential community tools for Power BI Desktop.
When to use them, difference from dataset and dataflows and basic admin.
Ensure your data is as Tableau friendly as possible.
A single source of governed cloud data that can be tapped by Power BI, Tableau, Cognos and Excel.
A deep dive into the benefits and capabilities of Power BI datamarts.
The case for using off-the-shelf ETL tools.
5 situations when home-grown ETL makes sense.
Drillable Power BI & Tableau dashboard without ETL.
Offload query heavy lifting and processing back to the data source.
Industry: Wine & spirits
Power BI composite models is a game changer.